About The Coalition Opposing Government Secrecy
COGS, the Coalition Opposing Governmental Secrecy, is a Missouri non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status. Our mission is to aid and encourage citizen participation in government and the political process, and to empower the public by helping them access publicly available information via Freedom of Information, Sunshine and similar requests for government records.
Our members include nationwide media organizations, public interest groups, watchdogs, and concerned citizens.
There is no secret sauce to government information, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Yet, somehow, it doesn’t really work out that way. And, more often than not, the exact information you want is what the governmental entity does not want to share.
Asking once or twice and being rejected (wrongfully) will discourage most requesters due to the cost and complexity of ensuring your rights are protected pursuant to the relevant freedom of information laws. We turned that “discouragement” into an opportunity.
There are three main issues for which we have created solutions:
- Knowing how and what to ask to whom
- Managing the responses, deadlines, deadlines, missed, and reasons for rejection
- Having the capacity to file suit (via dedicated counsel) to enforce your rights
Our typical members will be sending thousands of FOIA requests at no marginal cost thanks to the people, processes, and technology we employ.
The best part – we find the lawyer to file viable lawsuits and we cover your attorneys’ fees.* (*footnote – this may not include filing fees, court fees, etc).
Please inquire to find out more on our Subscriptions page.